Come, let us cleanse ourselves by almsgiving and acts of mercy to the poor, not by sounding a trumpet or making a show of our charity. Let not our left hand know what our right hand is doing. Let not vainglory scatter the fruit of our almsgiving, but in secret let us call on Him that knows all secrets.
The Lenten Triodion
Ways to Give

Time is our most precious commodity. Once lost, it can never be regained, and every moment is etched forever into history. By choosing to spend our time in relationship with God we realize our deepest fulfillment.

God gives us all different talents, but how we choose to utilize them is another matter. When we leverage our talents to glorify God and aid our neighbor we fulfill our purpose as the Body of Christ.

Treasure is a form of value, and the way we use it is a statement of our values. When we steward our treasure toward Heaven we store it in His Kingdom, by His Will.